
Jiji Math in Huntington Beach Schools

We love Jiji Math. That’s what you’ll hear kids say, referring to the popular computer-based math program featuring the adorable penguin Jiji. Recently, the Huntington Beach City School District, Chevron and the non-profit MIND Research Institute announced a public-private partnership that’s expanding the Spatial Temporal (ST) Math Instructional software program to all of its schools. Chevron executives presented a $92,500 check to district leaders at a celebration on October 23rd at Hawes Elementary.


Blended learning, which is gaining popularity nationwide, uses self-paced, computer-based learning to augment traditional teaching methods. Some Huntington Beach schools already use the ST Math instructional software in a blended learning environment to create a deeper understanding of math concepts. The Chevron grant, combined with district funding, enables the expansion of the ST Math program to all of HBCSD’s schools – reaching a total of more than 7,000 students at nine elementary and middle schools. The grant provides MIND Research’s visually based ST Math instructional software, teacher training and year-round educational support to the schools.

Jiji Math at Huntington Beach School
Photo shows from left to right: Julie Jennings, Principal, Hawes Elementary; Sara Hansen, PTA President; and Dr. Matthew Peterson, MIND Research Co-Founder and CTO

“Chevron is committed to supporting schools in our community and especially preparing them for success in science, technology, engineering and math,” said Hector Infante, Public and Government Affairs Manager at Chevron. “Over the years, we’ve been impressed with the impact MIND Research Institute’s ST Math program has had at schools throughout Orange County, so we’re excited to continue expanding our partnership.”

Research shows that early math skills are the number one predictor of later academic success, high school graduation rates and college matriculation. The ST Math program has been proven to double students’ growth in math proficiency.

“We’re grateful for Chevron’s generosity in helping us expand the successful ST Math program,” said Gregg Haulk, Superintendent of Huntington Beach City School District. “It’s great to see our students become confident problem solvers, who not only excel in math but learn to love it.”

With this new grant, Chevron’s total giving to support MIND Research Institute’s programs exceeds $775,000.

“Our work wouldn’t be possible without partners like Chevron and Huntington Beach City Schools who share our vision of transforming math education,” said Matthew Peterson, Ph.D., co-founder and chief operating officer of MIND Research. “Together, we’re making a meaningful impact on students lives today and preparing them for a future full of opportunities and success.” At the Hawes event, Dr. Peterson shared his own experiences as a student, inspiring all who were present. He also recognized the contributions of former SeaCliff principal Anne Sullivan for her feedback during the early days of the program, in which SeaCliff Elementary participated.

For more information on ST MATH, visit www.mindresearch.net.

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